Janet被「天使留言」改變一天 激動曝匿名紙條:謝謝






Janet 26日本來情緒不佳,未料晚上去餐廳用餐時,意外收到來自2位粉絲的小紙條,對方表示不想打擾她,於是只用文字傳達鼓勵,還私下偷偷幫忙支付了飯錢。Janet感動表示:「你們不知道,我今天有多麼需要這份鼓勵。」她當下才意識到自己非常幸運,「我擁有會寫鼓勵紙條給我的陌生人,而我希望大家也都能遇到這些小天使--能在你低潮時用小動作拉你一把。」



Thank you! You know who you are... You don't know how much I needed this today... We all have our ups and downs and just this evening for me was a roller coaster ride of emotions! Sometimes, I think WAY too much, I try too hard to be perfect, I wish I could be something more than I am right now. And then I learn that... Not only is perfection impossible, but sometimes a little bit boring! So to the lovely people who have not only left me a note but also surprised me by paying for my dinner without telling me, thank you for reminding me that sometimes, I just need to be happy with what I have and with who I am! I'm lucky that I have random strangers who write me encouraging notes, and I wish everybody could have these little angels who could do a small gesture to cheer you up whenever you are feeling down. Sorry this message is too long for me to translate to Chinese. I just wanted to share a tiny bit of my thoughts this evening... Enjoy your evening and keep your heads up!! Tomorrow is another day to be slightly imperfect, but also f-ing fantastic! Goodnight!


