Janet懷孕水腫「肉按下去...凹一個洞」 照鏡崩潰:我很醜很肥






Janet自懷孕開始,始終保持樂觀開朗模樣,5日首度鬆口分享孕期的身心變化,坦言這段時間心情像坐雲霄飛車一般,有時一個大笑或是打噴嚏,都會不小心尿出來,日前她也PO出腳水腫的照片,只見腫到分不出哪裡是腳踝,肉一按下去也彈不回來,出現一個凹洞,直言討厭看到自己的身體變化:「覺得自己很醜、很肥、很腫、 很鬆、很膨脹!」






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Being pregnant is an interesting time. Your body goes through so many physical changes, your emotions go through a roller coaster ride, and it can be exhilarating and also exhausting. (And also, you pee yourself when you sneeze. or cough. or laugh too hard.)
懷孕是一個很奇妙的過程。 你的身體的變化很快,又超級大。 你的心情像一個雲霄飛車一樣, 上上下下, 令人興奮但同時累爆了!(還有不要忘了,你打噴嚏,咳嗽,或是太突然的大笑的時候會不小心的尿褲子)

There are times when you look down or into a mirror and HATE what you see. You feel fat, ugly, heavy, wide, saggy, swollen, uncomfortable, and just hate your body. And then, there are times when look at yourself and you see a miracle. A physical transformation that is so incredible and was incomprehensible to you before you actually got pregnant. It’s difficult to explain to anybody else who has never experienced it before. And every day, every moment is different.
有時候,看到鏡子裡的自己或是往下看肚子的時候,很討厭看到的身體變化:覺得自己很醜、很肥、很腫、 很鬆、很膨脹、很不舒服, 基本上,就是很討厭。不過,有時候看著自己或是感覺到寶寶胎動的時候,你又好像在見證自己的奇蹟,一個身體物理上的轉型,一個懷孕之前怎樣都無法理解的變化。 而且也很難跟其他沒有體驗過的人形容的感覺與心情。 然後,每一天、每一時刻都不一樣。

Those are the beautiful moments and feelings I wanted to capture with this series of nude maternity photos. Just the beauty and miracle that is the body when it is carrying a baby inside.

You lose all modesty at times (I would fart loudly in public and not even blink an eye. Or sit on a chair with my legs wide open and not care who could see my underwear.) but with that, you also gain courage. The little baby inside makes you feel so sexy and more womanly than you’ve ever felt before.

I hope these photos celebrate the beauty that is pregnancy and the miracle of life. Qi Qi is an amazing mom who was willing to challenge herself to do something she never thought she’d do before and I’m so proud of her for doing this with me! Thank you to CN Flower and Paul Chang for making this possible and making us feel so so beautiful, inside and out!
我真的希望這個系列的照片是慶祝孕婦們的身體變化還有生命奇蹟。這集 #跟著Janet一起瘋好孕 的李淇淇是一位非常棒的媽咪,她願意跟著我挑戰她從來沒有想過可以做的事:拍孕婦全裸寫真!謝謝 CNFlower把台灣山林搬到攝影棚,還有讓我們盡情展現溫柔力量的Paul Chang攝影師,讓我們覺得我們從內到外都是美女!


