

新冠肺炎疫情影響全球,演藝圈許多明星陸續傳出確診。《超級名模生死鬥》第22季冠軍奈爾迪馬科(Nyle DiMarco)今(22日)向粉絲表示,連續發燒2天,疑似感染新冠肺炎,不過他卻選擇留在家裡,拒絕接受檢測,因為他希望把檢測機會留給其他重症患者。

▲▼《超級名模生死鬥》第22季冠軍奈爾迪馬科。(圖/翻攝自Instagram/Nyle DiMarco)

▲《超級名模生死鬥》第22季冠軍奈爾迪馬科。(圖/翻攝自Instagram/Nyle DiMarco)





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I do not typically do this but I wanted to share something… I’ve been really sick and I am now on the mend. It is very possible I contracted coronavirus and I have access to get tested but I do not want to. The reason is because there is a shortage of covid-19 test kits in the U.S. and the sick patients need it more than I do. For 48 hours starting Sunday night, I had a fever, body chills, a sore throat and a mild cough. All these are symptomatic of COVID-19. Some with COVID-19 have reported not being able to taste or smell. That was my experience too. I knew I wasn’t a high risk so I stayed calm. I communicated with my doctor and self-quarantined. I kept an eye out for any respiratory issues because if it worsened, it could be deadly. But I recovered…. And I still am self-isolating. I’d like to stress that testing is important. Widespread testing has been a key part for some countries like South Korea’s efforts in handling Covid-19. In a perfect world, I’d take the test. Unfortunately the U.S. lacks enough test kits. If you are healthy and have no respiratory issues, I encourage you to be mindful of sick patients that need to get tested more than you do. And stay at home to avoid spreading and help flattening the curve. We’re in this together. Let look out for each other!!

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