

理科太太(陳映彤)去年12月中和結婚5年的John正式離婚,近日前夫卻指控她1周只讓自己見兒子1至2次,友人氣不過出面爆料John長期精神暴力,就連割痔瘡都要用妻子的錢,對此,John 11日在社群網站鄭重表示:「不要再跟其他人談論我的身體狀況!這理應是私密事!」









John IG全文:

I wish I could respond to all the individual comments, but they keep growing. I don't understand the media culture of Taiwan and I didn't think my post would turn into this. But thanks to all the people who said nice things about me. It means the world to me there are people who stood up for me after everything that's happened. I also learned from life, if you find yourself citing facts and logic and they're still not listening, they're probably never going to.

I have some things that I think should be communicated to the public. A teachable moment if you will. If you take away one thing from everything I ever wrote, let it be these things:

I don't know why you know so much about my health. I kindly asked Evelyn months ago to stop telling people. And I can't believe I have to say something so obvious out loud. But STOP TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT MY HEALTH! IT'S SUPPOSED TO BE PRIVATE! If readers take nothing else away from this, don't violate people’s health privacy. Ever.

This post is long but this is important: LAWYERS ARE NOT PSYCHOLOGISTS. Depression should not keep someone away from their kids. It doesn't impair your ability to care for them. No one should be attacked for having depression. No one blames someone with a broken leg, they put on a cast so it can heal. We give antibiotics to treat infections, not shame them. Stop using my private mental health issues as a reason I can't see my son.




