摩根費里曼:我愛開玩笑 道歉隔1天不認性侵犯!


美國好萊塢80歲男星摩根費里曼(Morgan Freeman)日前被爆出在工作環境,性騷擾8位女星,他25日發聲明為此道歉,被解讀為承認有性騷擾。沒想到他26日再發聲明,稱自己的舉動是開玩笑,「想讓身邊的女性和男性在我身邊感到放鬆,為此我經常開玩笑和稱讚女性」,強調沒性侵犯女性,更沒有強迫她人用性行為換取工作。







I am devastated that 80 years of my life is at risk of being undermined, in the blink of an eye, by Thursday’s media reports.

All victims of assault and harassment deserve to be heard. And we need to listen to them. But it is not right to equate horrific incidents of sexual assault with misplaced compliments or humor.

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I admit that I am someone who feels a need to try to make women—and men—feel appreciated and at ease around me. As a part of that, I would often try to joke with and compliment women, in what I thought was a light-hearted and humorous way.

Clearly I was not always coming across the way I intended. And that is why I apologized Thursday and will continue to apologize to anyone I might have upset, however unintentionally.

But I also want to be clear: I did not create unsafe work environments. I did not assault women. I did not offer employment or advancement in exchange for sex. Any suggestion that I did so is completely false.

---Morgan Freeman

▲▼摩根費里曼否認性侵。(圖/翻攝自Sopan Deb推特)

▲摩根費里曼聲明全文。(圖/翻攝自Sopan Deb推特)

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