汪小菲婚變後遭爆「現身酒吧笑開懷」 深夜貼悲歌:不想你離開

▲▼             。(圖/記者張筱涵攝)



汪小菲和大S(徐熙媛)婚變狀況5日爆出後,7日就分享新店面的照片,心情似乎已經平復許多,更被大陸媒體爆料現身於酒吧和朋友有說有笑的,不過他在8日分享了棉花糖(Marshmello)和強納斯兄弟(Jonas Brothers)《Leave Before You Love Me》,以歌詞表心境。





不過汪小菲8日深夜突然分享《Leave Before You Love Me》這首歌,其中一句「我不希望你就這樣離開」被認為是在藉歌詞向大S隔空喊話,試圖挽回婚姻。事實上,這不是他第一次透過貼文表達,據陸媒《鳳凰網娛樂》報導,汪小菲6日深夜轉發網友整理他早期的微博言論,並說:「愛所有的家人,我老婆是第一。」

► 汪小菲酒吧門口有說有笑影片曝光。

▲▼             。(圖/記者張筱涵攝)▲▼             。(圖/記者張筱涵攝)


[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀 ..

【《Leave Before You Love Me》歌詞】

I see you calling
I didn't wanna leave you like that
It's five in the morning, yeah, yeah
A hundred on the dash
'Cause my wheels are rolling
Ain't taking my foot off the gas
And it only took the one night
To see the end of the line
Staring deep in your eyes, eyes
Dancing on the edge, 'bout to take it too far
It's messing with my head, how I mess with your heart
If you wake up in your bed, alone in the dark
I'm sorry, gotta leave before you love me
Ay, ay, leave before you love me
Ay, ay, leave before you love me
Ay, ay, leave before you love me
Ay, ay, leave before you love me
I'm so good at knowing
Of when to leave the party behind
Don't care if they notice, yeah, yeah, no
I'll just catch a ride
I'd rather be lonely, yeah
Than wrapped around your body too tight
Yeah, I'm the type to get naked
Won't give my heart up for breaking
'Cause I'm too gone to be stayin', staying' (dancing on)
Dancing on the edge, 'bout to take it too far
It's messing with my head, how I mess with your heart
If you wake up in your bed, alone in the dark
I'm sorry, gotta leave before you love me
Ay, ay, leave before you love me
Ay, ay, leave before you love me
Ay, ay, leave before you love me
Ay, ay, leave before you love me
Dancing on the edge, take it too far
Messing with my head, how I mess with your heart
I'm sorry, alone in the dark
I'm sorry
Ay, ay, leave before you love me

►TWICE直播「連續3成員出包說錯話」 娜璉驚問場外:可以刪掉嗎?

►汪小菲深夜發文「我老婆是第一」! 大S微博斬斷連結

►6歲兒檢疫所背九九乘法!突撫胸喊「好喘」 林彥汝曝確診15天狀況

►李懿玩人體壽司「脫光躺門口」 樂曝6年男友超現實第一反應


