吳彥祖美國街頭被砸車! 「5秒驚魂」錄影畫面曝光


電影男神吳彥祖2010年和名模Lisa S結婚,並於2013年升格當爸,人氣依舊不減,動態消息被受關注。他近日人在美國舊金山,11日突然無預警貼出2段影片,畫面竟是他「街頭遇劫」的實況錄影,車子不僅被打破,連東西都被歹徒成功竊走,事後只好怒發錄影畫面,請網友幫忙肉搜歹徒。











So this just happened. I parked my car on the corner of Guerrero and Liberty in San Francisco. My car is the black SUV in front of the red Prius on the far left. You can see a guy standing there casing my car then a few seconds later he proceeds to break the rear glass and grab two bags out of the car. If you look to the right that’s me and my friends walking up! If I was 5 seconds faster I would have caught him in the act and probably would have put some serious #intothebadlands pain on him. If I was a minute or two earlier I would have driven off none the wiser. The second video is before showing the thief getting out of the get away car then heads over to case my car. So if anyone in SF sees a green Toyota Corolla cruising the mission take a pic of the plate and send it to me. Also thanks to the friendly OU alumuni neighbor across the street who gave me this footage. #brokeninto #theft #karamaisgonnagetyoubad #breakin

Daniel Wu 吴 彦 祖(@thatdanielwu)分享的貼文 於 張貼


