嬰兒喝母奶不會感冒? Janet「專業講解19重點」破謠言



▲▼嬰喝母奶不感冒? Janet破謠言(圖/翻攝自Janet IG)

▲Janet兒子最近罹患人生第一次重感冒。(圖/翻攝自Janet IG)



▲▼嬰喝母奶不感冒? Janet破謠言(圖/翻攝自Janet IG)

▲Janet表示即使有餵母奶,嬰兒會感冒是正常的。(圖/翻攝自Janet IG)



[廣告] 請繼續往下閱讀 。。。

▲▼嬰喝母奶不感冒? Janet破謠言(圖/翻攝自Janet IG)

▲Janet分享護理師友人的建議。(圖/翻攝自Janet IG)


Janet IG全文:

Sick babies are no fun.

So…. when Egan got his first fever, it went up to 39.8C and We. Freaked. Out. ← First time parents… Then, he started getting a runny nose, a cough, some phlegm, diarrhea...the works. Yup, Egan caught his first cold.
Egan第一次發燒的時候, 他的溫度高達39.8℃。 我們都快瘋了! ← 不要笑我們好嗎? 第一次當新手爸媽嘛 :) 後來,他開始流鼻涕、咳嗽、有痰、拉肚子等⋯⋯沒錯,Egan人生的第一次重感冒來了。

And now seems to be the season for our lovely friends: Mr. Virus, Ms. Bacteria, Mrs.Infection, Mister Allergy, Miss Pollution…
現在真的好像來到了我們生活日常‘好朋友們‘ 的旺季:病毒先生、細菌女士、感染小姐、過敏先生、污染小姐等等⋯⋯。(族繁不及備載)

Some advice we got (after calling several mommy friends, nurses, and doctors late night on a Saturday night after freaking out) and wanted to share with you are the following:

Please note: I am NOT a doctor. Neither is @instageorgey , even though he played a doctor on TV and may or may not have single handedly found the cure for the virus in @cwcontainment (You’ll just have to watch the series on Netflix to find out… no spoilers.) So please consult with your actual doctor if you think your baby is sick or has a fever. You know your baby best and if anybody laughs at you for freaking out because you’re a first time mom, sneeze in their face. No don’t. Just kidding. Don’t do that. Just hide a dirty diaper behind their couch. Tee hee ←- evil laugh.
但是先提醒:我不是醫生,George也不是,雖然他在電視上有演過一個醫生然後可能(或是可能沒有)自己一個人找到劇裡病毒的抗體⋯⋯啊不好意思我不能劇透,如果你要知道答案請搜尋Netflix觀賞影集【隔離城市】。誒講到哪裡啊?對吼,如果你真的覺得你的小孩有可能發燒、生病或是覺得哪裡怪怪的,趕快打給你的醫生或是帶你寶寶去醫院診所!你是最了解你的寶寶的,所以聽你的直覺(然後也不要怕大家笑,畢竟你是第一次當媽媽且什麼都擔心害怕的人,如果有人笑你,請在他們的臉上打噴嚏!開玩笑的啦,千萬別這樣做,把寶寶用過的尿布藏在他們的沙發後面好了,姆挖哈哈哈哈哈哈哈. ← 壞人的笑聲 )。

1. Calm down. 先冷靜
2. Breathe. 呼吸
3. Remember that colds are “good” for your baby - it helps build up their immune system (Apparently, babies will catch around 7 colds/viruses before their first birthday. Great. Can’t wait…) 要記得,感冒其實對寶寶是”好“的:因為會加強他們的免疫系統(聽說,寶寶在一歲前平均會感冒7次!)啊呀,真”期待“呢 :(
4. Know that a typical virus needs around a week or more to run its course. Ugh. Go away already.
5. And yes, even breastfed babies will get sick. So don’t worry - it’s not your fault.
沒錯,喝母奶的寶寶也是會感冒的啦! 所以不用怪自己,不是你的錯。
6. Keep monitoring your baby’s temperature
7. Call the doctor if your baby’s temperature goes above 40
8. Call your doctor if the mild fever lasts for longer than a few days (or honestly, if it gives you a piece of mind, go to the hospital)
9. Check to see if your baby’s temperament is abnormal. You know your baby best. If he or she is acting very strange, go see the doctor
觀察你寶寶的脾氣和活躍度是不是不太一樣。 你最了解你的baby,如果他怪怪的,去看醫生吧。
10. Give your baby a lukewarm bath to help reduce the fever
11. Bring your baby into a steamy bathroom (not actually into the hot shower though!) to help with nasal congestion
12. Some people suggested a humidifier to help with breathing as well
13. I personally love the NoseFrida to suck out some snot. I had to resist trying to suck out his snot ALL the time. It’s so satisfying. But seriously, don’t do it too often. It could injure the membranes in your baby’s nose. But oh man. So satisfying.
14. Use the “percussion method” to help expel some of the mucus
15. Keep your baby hydrated (ie. breastfeed or formula feed often) - he may lose his appetite and/or it may be difficult for him to eat because of the stuffed up nose
16. Check to make sure he’s not dehydrated (does he have diarrhea? What is the consistency? Color? Weight? How often? Is it slimy? )
檢查確認寶寶沒有缺水 (觀察有拉肚子嗎?什麼顏色?量多少?多頻繁?有沒有黏黏的?)
17. Any difficulty or rapid breathing, blue-ish lips and fingers. Go to the hospital immediately.
18. If there’s any rash, call the doctor or go to the hospital.
19. Did I already mention calming down?

Share any other suggestions you have! I’m sure I will have many more “opportunities” to put them into use. 如果你們有什麼其他的意見或是經驗也可以跟我們分享!我想,未來應該還有很多機會用的到。




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