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On Nov 20, 2022, a new friend came into my life, her name is " Alopecia areata ". I was getting ready to go to a dinner party and discovered this bald patch ( 4-5 cm in diameter ) on top of my head.

Was I devastated? YES !

Was I so upset that I couldn't move on with my life? NO, I wiped off a few tears, fixed myself up and attended the party with a smile on me.

It's not the end of the world ! Instead of hiding, I'm sharing my journey with you peeps because there's a chance that I might lose all my hair one day, and I don't want you to be in shock if you see me #bald ! I'm currently receiving treatment, however, there's no guarantee that it'll work. It is what it is, we all know that we should accept things that we cannot change, right?!

My life, My journey, No secret, No burden

#AlopeciaAreata #SelfLove

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